Sunday, February 13, 2011


I don’t want to be a blog ranter, but I also feel like, this being MY blog, I can sorta do what I like. Therefore I’ve allowed myself 1 rant a week. It sounds silly but once you open those flood-gates, it's hard to close them again.
So here it is. I’m in a busy, bustly area (like the Subway). It’s morning rush-hour and people are speeding around all over the place. There’s a sense of urgency and purpose… except for Wanda the Wanderer. You’ve got streaming foot traffic on either side of you, there’s nowhere to go but straight ahead. There isn’t enough room to walk abreast so you’re trapped, and Wanda just ambles along in front of you, like she doesn’t have a care in the world. When you finally get to the train, you realize that there are many Wanda’s spread all over the place. A smattering of Wandas blocking the exits, or slowly meandering along the platform, walking too close to the edge for you to pass on that side and somehow too close to the people waiting along the other side for you to pass her there… and NO! you’ve missed your train because Wanda was texting on the escalator and couldn’t hear you trying to get her to move because she was listing to Justin Bieber on her headphones. UGH! Now, I too have been a Wanda, we all have, however the difference between me and the Wanda's I'm bitching about, is that THESE Wanda's don't seem to understand language appear mute. So you can look at one, dead in the eyes and ask them to move down to the back of the car, and all they do is look at you blankly. It's infuriating. I'd also like to think that I have the presence of mind to know that during rush hour (pre-coffee), pay attention, move out of the way and if you're going to text, take a step to the side.
I have actually shoved my way past a Wanda before. I know, it’s rude. But sometimes you're not given much choice.
I feel that there should be (posted) rules of conduct that everyone follows when it’s obvious that many of the people they’re surrounded by may not have had any caffeine yet:

1.       If you somehow forgot to preform the necessary hygienic morning necessities, keep your arms down and stop being a mouth-breather.
2.   There is no need to get shitty. You live in a country without war, with clean running water and a public transit system that functions fairly well. Yes, that man is leaning on you. Live with it.
3.       Get out of the way. How hard is that? It’s not your stop? Well, great. Good for you, MOVE so that I can get off. Got a text? Lovely. You're welcome to reply in that corner over there. Don’t just stand in the middle of the way and hope you become transparent.

Aaaand scene.

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